About Time
I've been waiting for 7 years for this to finally come out, so I'm ecstatic to see a new installment. The animation has been greatly improved, but some of the little scenes are painfully slow like when Chris was putting his head back on. I'm not sure why you made Berry the missing person it shoud've been Chris. This installment seemed to have missed most of the greatest cheesey moments of RE1. For instance when they first enter the mansion Berry says, "A mansion" and then when they go into the dining room Berry says, "a DINING room". Berry also says "what is it" in some variation about 9 times in the first 10 minutes of the game. You absolutely cannot leave out the "Jill sandwich" scene for the next part. I was kind of disappointed with the jokes because of instead of playing on the campiness of the game it goes way off track into these more strange than funny scenes that just seemed way to forced.
For the next part I suggest when making a good scene to keep the jokes short and simple. Long elaborate jokes like the pidgeon scene was too much and the fire was overkill.
I did find this installment entertaining though because I'm not saying it was a failure, just not as good as it should have been considering the 7 year delay. Over all I think this installment was amusing, not bad and not great, just amusing.